dosa kitchen cookbook
The book is OUT! When our friends Leda and Nash, owners of Brattleboro’s beloved Dosa Kitchen food truck, asked us to contribute a recipe for a chocolate dosa that would appear in their forthcoming cookbook, we naturally jumped at the chance.

The process began with our developing a recipe that would compliment the spongy, crispy, tangy delight that is a dosa, a traditional South Indian crépe that can be filled with myriad delicious fillings. We had a lot of sampling experience under our belts, with Nash and Leda dishing up their creative takes on both traditional recipes and new cultural mashups (Dosa hotdogs! Nut falafel dosas!) at our weekly winter farmers market and in their gem of a blue food truck at Grafton Village Cheese.
A chocolate ganache filling perfumed with cardamom and made with flavorful Vermont buttermilk hit the mark for us, so we began tweaking our recipe to create a simple, creamy, flavorful spread that you can easily make in your home kitchen.

With Leda’s background in cookbook writing and recipe development, we had we scaled down our recipe to home-cooking-size, and further tested and refined. When the time came for the official photo shoot, we gathered in Leda and Nash’s gorgeous Brattleboro kitchen to cook up the recipes and make any final adjustments. What a thrill it was to watch Clarkson Potter’s crack team of photographer Kristin Teig and food stylist and recipe tester Catrine Kelty in action!

We got lots of great positive feedback from folks who went to the cookbook launch party and tried our chocolate dosa at Nash and Leda’s little blue food truck (thanks for tasting, everyone!). Here’s the recipe for the filling, simple and so satisfying to make. The ultimate way to enjoy this filling is in a crisp, hot dosa, so get the book for Leda and Nash’s recipe with step by step instructions on how to make them. Also great spread and melted on toast, pancakes, waffles.

recipe courtesy of Clarkson Potter books / Dosa Kitchen
And if you haven’t had a chance to taste the deliciousness of Dosa Kitchen’s sublime recipes in person, you can purchase the book online and make them at home:
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