new year, new ideas
I’m not one for resolutions. They seem to hang over one and nag, those met more quickly forgotten than the unmet that linger, even as accomplishments and challenges that could not have been possibly conceived at the start of a new year have been realized.
With that said, I do love to think of the New Year as a time to reflect on the past 365 days and make note of what worked, what didn’t, what fell by the wayside and was missed, and challenges I’d like to take on, and then be more mindful and aware of letting go and letting in.
Right after we locked up the doors on Christmas Eve and prepared to take a couple of days off, I realized I was not feeling quite right and woke up the next morning with a full-on wretched head cold. It felt like my body was staving it off until it could finally relax and let go, going from a 100 mph run throughout the last couple of months to 0 mph in a matter of hours. That’s me with a celebratory glass on New Year’s Eve, a tad bleary-eyed and ready to clink and sip with my partner in life and love, happy to finally feel better and armed with a clear memory of what to try to avoid during next year’s holidaze.
Looking ahead to 2019 as Vermont chocolatiers with more collaborations, more tastings, chocolate pairings and gatherings, more new recipes and ingredients, more time outdoors, more travel and inspiration, more gardening, more growing, more supporting others and ideas, more action, more help, more balance. Less hours working and doing all the jobs, less worrying, less accumulating stuff. Cheers to you, and here’s to a New Year! Let’s go get ’em.